Thursday, December 30, 2010

mi dispiace :(

Hey there bloggerino(a)s if you're still faithful to good ol' hellosch. I don't blame you if you aren't, you've probably moved on to some fantasterrific blog so yahh.

First, I must sincerely apologise for the lack of posts these few months even when I don't even have an excuse. Mi dispiace molto. I don't even think that makes sense. To make up for my blogging 'sins', I promise to blog everyday even if it's just some weird greeting in some language. Soo, time to catch you up on everything.

Well, my lovelies, I hope you all had a delightful, extravagant and merry Christmas with all your friends and family. Hope you gave people well thought out presents and received many yourself. If you're still here, I'd just like to thank you for sticking around cause I know I don't blog about the most exciting or intriguing things. So, kansamita*. From the bottom of me heart, I wish you HELLOSCH followers all the best for 2011 and may good luck surround you wherever you go. This should really be in a greeting card, and I would send each of you who read this a Christmas/New Year card if I could but I can't. :(

In 5-4-3-2-1. Mushy-ness DENIED. Soo, what have y'all been up to? If you're asking me, (you're probably not but Imma tell you) I have been eating, sleeping, watching t.v, dramas, movies and using my time quite unproductively. I should be out enjoying the sunshine, the holidays and take time to smell the roses because you'll never know when you won't! I would enjoy sunshine if there was any in Melbourne. Gotta love Melbourne weather. |SARCASM|*2 <-  that, my friend, is a sarcasm sign. I know, it's pretty damn awesome, right? :D

*hopes Athena and Sharon will get a good kick out of that.

*2 If you watch Big Bang Theory, you'll get this. :)

I know my posts are getting really boring so I'll stop rambling now. Hope you have a splendid New Year and get to watch the fireworks with (a) loved one(s)! BWOYEEEEE!!!!


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Здравейте милички <-- That is the title of this blog post in Bulgarian. How awesome is that? Zdraveĭte milichki and that would be how you say it. I made the effort to go on Google Translate and translate that for y'all, see how much I love y'all? Actually, I made my cousin Google Translate that but still, I had the intention. :P He's a pretty cool dude by the way. I'm gonna say that (Zdraveĭte milichki) to everyone I see tomorrow. :D I feel so knowledgeable. :L

Sooo, I have to apologise again for not blogging for a while. I went on blogspot the other day with the intention to blog but I just didn't know what to blog about. But now I kinda do, well not really but when do I ever have a topic I stick to in one blog post. How has everyone's week been, by everyone I mean Sharon. :L I had a Spanish test, a Math test and a Geography assignment due on Friday. That was a long day and I still couldn't rest because I had to prepare for tutor, vietnamese school and piano lessons (which was today). That's my Friday night and Saturday for the forseeable future. :( I actually call Saturday Doomsday. :D I don't think I should be smiling at that but oh wells.

The actual reason why I wanted to blog was because of something me and my brother experienced last Saturday. We were on our way home from Vietnamese school and we were talking about saving water for some reason and then the weirdest thing happened. A car with the number plate 'USE _ _ _ ' was in front of use which was pretty ironic. I almost thought it was like a message from God or something. Then something even more freaky happened: A car with the number plate 'OVA _ _ _' swerved to be write next to the the  'USE' car. Guess what that makes. OVA USE. That happened when we were talking about saving water. Though that may not seem so strange or noteworthy to some people that's probably one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. :( Also, on that same trip, I saw a shop called this, (no joke) "PHATTY BOOMBA". I'll even try and find it on the webby net and post it for y'all to see. I swear I have no fingers crossed. I'm gonna go find that picture now. Oh no, there's no website and it's too new a shop so its not on google maps. :( I'll try and get a picture of it next time I go past.

Moving on, did anyone bet on the horses? I bet pride on number 7 which was Shoot Out, my brother bet horse 12, my mum bet horse 15, and my dad bet horse 10 (which apparently didn't look like a horse). I was so close, one more number up and i would've bet number 8 but oh wells. :)

Well, I have exams in two weeks on English, Maths and Science. I wish everyone who are doing exams now or soon lotsa luck and energy to study! When its over, we'll all CELEBRATE!!!! :D LOLOLOL. Welps, I can't be bothered blogging anymore as I've ran out of stuff to blog about. I'll just go be cool and comment on Sharon's and Sandy's blog now so see you later my bloggykinators! <--- I have no idea what that is.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's a great day for a holiday, a holiday, lets go! Hey! Hey! Hey!

OH MY GOLLY GOSHNESS! It's you guys again! It feels so good to blog again after so long-ish. Anyways, HOLA AMIGOS! If you're wondering about the title, it's a line from a Hi-5 song and I have to admit, I'm not ashamed to know the lyrics to most of the Hi-5 songs. Hi-5 was really really cool when I was younger, I had this pink Hi-5 reversible jacket and it had all the cast members' faces on the back and whenever I wore it, I felt likethe coolest kid on the planet kinda thing. I think every kid at one stage has thought they're the coolest kid on the planet, or even the even cooler kids who thought they belonged with the Power Rangers or something. Anyways, that was way more detail that you had to know about the title.

Sooooo, dudes, chicks; amigos. How's everyone's holidays? Mine has been pretty well spent, in a weird way. Oh, and I have big news. :) When my parents got back from America, they got me an iPod touch! I really wasn't expecting it but yeah, my folks are totally (trying to think of another word for awesome but more exciting than good or great) DAMN RIGHT SNAZZY. I'm not even sure if that's a word, but I'm gonna stick with it. :) Oh and my dad got me a guitar too, I'll see if I can put a picture up of it. I can play the banjo bit of Love Story- Taylor Swift and most of Fifteen by the same singer. I'm a massive fan. :P So after so much excitement, my life decided to go back to you know, just chillin' mode.

So far, I've read The Luxe, Just Listen and the glee prequel book. I've caught up on all of Gossip Girl (really wanna watch season 4 ep4), kept up to date with Sonny With A Chance, Jonas L.A (no matter how sad that might seem), Hannah Montana (yeah I actually watch that) and Glee. I've also walked my beautiful dog almost everyday and tried to exercise.

Oh, I almost forgot; I watched Easy A yesterday. It's a really exciting, worthy chick flick even though there were four 20 year old guys in the seats behind me which almost scares me. I rate it 10/10. And thats rare, because I'll always be the one going " 9.879 out of 10" Actually, I didn't even realise you could rate movies with decimals until i visited, it's called soemthing else now, I forgot. But anyways, WATCH IT!!!!! :D Also, my dad found this really cute shop that's called Yogurt House, it sells delicious yogurt, obviously. But, you have to got there, their yogurt is epic I tell you. SPREAD THE WORDD. SNACK AT YOGURT HOUSE!! Why do I always sound like an ad? Welps, I'll see if I can get a photo of my guuitar and Ipod touch and I'll post it in another post! :)



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey! What a wonderful kind of day!

Hello everyone! I apologise in advance for all the spelling errors that will most likely occur because I'm on my iPod. Sorry, I must gonow. Bye.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello sugarpies! :) The title means 'Hello 5" in Spanish, which I translate that into "HI 5!" Get it? LOLOLOLOLOL. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of that. I'm also proud of Ciao Cinque, Chao Nam and Ni Hao Mm. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry about that. Hey, I know this is sorta random but have you ever heard the word 'totes'. ROFLMAO. You know, short for totally, and really really hilarious. To me at least.

Soo, I know in my last post I said I would write a lot. Well, this is no surprise, but I didn't write much at all. Sorry 'bout that. To not break anymore promises, I'm just gonna say that I'm gonna write when I feel like it. :) Oh, how I love my honesty. :L (brain: PSHHH)

Ohh man, I gotta go and ngu now! LOVE YA! ♥ ngu ngon nhe! dung co lam mo!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Please say hello to my friend, goes by the name "40 Hour Famine" about ye tall.

So, my sweet sweet sweeties. How have you been? I'm sorry for not writing often, I think I'm gonna stop saying that I'm gonna write because most likely  I'll probably jinx myself. So, I'm not going to write very often (You bet I will). How are y'all going with the 40 Hour Famine, if you're doing it. I'm in the process of giving up furniture which means I sleep on the floor, and right now I'm on a bean bag with the laptop in my lap. Good times, good times. :) I feeel so sorry for those people who go without the basic essentials of life almost everyday. I wiple could actually not cbf and think about this time where we step into someone's shoes, even though halfway, it's still better that nothing at all. So c'mon, give it a try! Even though it's already started, since Friday actually, but I started today. Better late than never, aye? Go to the site if you wanna find out more information. You can do it. We can do it. Together we unite.

Okay, I think I went all 'the-girl-who-likes-unicorns-on-mean-girls on you. Sorry about that. Welps, moving on. Have you heard about the Melbourne High, Macrob, Nossal High and Suzanne Cory test? I'd just like to take congratulate everyone who got on especially the lovely, beloved people from my school. Linda, Helen, Vicky, Nancy, Jessica, Nhan My and last but hell no the least, my beautiful, studious, helpful, sarcastic, vandalising  friend. Let's give it up for SHARONN! I'm gonna miss her so much. :'(  And if you were wondering if this is the the Sharon that follows my blog faithfully, then I can happily answer yes. ILOVEYOU(L). Oh dear, I must go and SHOWER POWER! HAHHAHA, see you later, yes? :D



Sunday, August 8, 2010


HELLLLLOOOOOOO MA LADAYYYYYYSSS! Oh dear, I'm high-ish again. :) The title means hello friends in Vietnamese, just in case you were wondering which you probably don't because you are most likely Sharon, who is the only person who reads this. And that is why I forgive her for vandalising my dairy.

Soo, how was everybody's day today, aye? My day was aiight, went to piano lessons, finished science back and decided to leave my letter from Bruno's mother for tomorrow. PROCRASTINATION ROCKS MY SOCKS.

Awww, me bro is makign me exercise now and I really needa get some pistols. Nahhh, jsut kidding. :)



Saturday, August 7, 2010

"I'm as fierce as a lightning bulb!"

Hello there my dear dearest deary dearing darlings! I'm high, on a slurpee I really shouldn't have drank because it's somewhere near 5 degrees outside but it was too yummy to put down. :) I recommend mixing ice cream with ya slurpees, it's like a frozen milkshake. Wait, isn't that like a krusher or something? Oh wells. It's my creation as far as I know. :D I'm willing to hand that invention over to you KFC if you ever need it :)

Are you wondering about the title of this fantasticalicious post? Okay, okay, I'll tell you, jeez. ;D Sharon is probably gonna crack up right now. :D I was really high yesterday, I seem to have more periods of highness each day. I'm pretty sure it was the banh bao (Asian steamed bun, try it!) and the chrysanthemum tea, I have no idea how to spell that. I wonder how scientists and botanists all the 'ists' remember how to spell all these plant and scientific animal names. Did you know the scientific name for the Gorilla is Gorrilla Gorrilla?  How awesome can a scientific name get, right?

Alright, my highness has just about ended, so I'd just like to say some things. :) Don't worry I'm not going to tell you I'm going to die in two hours or anything like that. :D I'm alive, babayy! Maybe my highness hasn't passed yet. ;D Well, I'd just like to say sorry that I can't blog about anything heartfelt, anything to do with a teenager, relationship stuff or depression. I really feel for you guys who are going through so much right now and though I may or may not know you, I hope that it's gonna work out in the end. Actually, let me rephrase that, I know it's gonna work out in the end, so just hang in there. :) You're just all so beautiful! Sorry, I sound like the girl in Mean Girls that's all rainbows and unicorns and stuff. I'd also like to say sorry because my brain sounds like a five year old that can type. Welps, how have you all been? Sorry I didn't greet y'all before. :(



Have a wonderful day!


Time to go clean my room. I know, I'll miss you too! :) GOODBYE MY LOVER (8) JK :P


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hello, mi dispiache for not blogging until now. xin loi rat nhieu. Google Translate that, you awesome person. :) Anyways, have people ever called you normal or abnormal? If your answer is yes then listen up my fellow cool people. :D There is no such thing as normal, because normal is a different thing to each and everyone of us, so if someone thinks you're normal another might think you're not. Calling someone normal is not logically correct and neither is calling someone abnormal. You know why? If there is no such thing as normal then how do you no what is not normal or abnormal? Soo, when someone calls you normal or abnormal, you will call them stupid. :D Nahh, I'm just kidding. Just secretly smile to yourself and say in your head "HAHAHAHHAHAHAH, you technically incorrect person." AHAHAHHAHAH, I'm so lame. :L

Soooooo, how have y'all been? I've been alright, thanks for not asking. :) I can't be bothered blogging anymore, see y'all later! :)


Saturday, July 31, 2010


WADDUP HOMIESSSS. I just realised how weird that sounds. I like it. :D Ermsies, Howies areies youies guysies goingsies?ies HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA. Yeah, I'm a lil' high on congee. Man, mummy's congee is impeccable. :L Ooooh, that reminds me, JUNIOR MASTERCHEFFFF. How dayumm awesome is that? Gotta go shower, dudios! BWOYEEE :D


Sunday, July 25, 2010


You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hello my dear bloggerinos! I am so very mucho alot sorry for not writing for well, a LONG while. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart to the the people who actually read this (in other words, SUPER HO*). She didn't even accept my apology for the same thing last time. Oh my lordies. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you want an explanation. Sad thing is that it's the same reason. I feel like I'm using it as an excuse now. Actually, I haven't been on the computer since Sunday last week. Again, I am deeply sorry for neglecting you, HELLOSCH and dearest bloggerino(a)s. :D

Sooooo, enough of me apologising. I really do hope that's enough. How have you guys and girls been? Cold? Hot? Bored? Spill, ma sister/bro. Where? In the comments section, of course! :D HAHAHAHAHHA. Man, I sound like an ad. A funny one too! Just kidding! It's only funny to me. :L Welps, Imma go watch Power Rangers Dino Thunder cause I'm just that cool. (H) LOLOLOL.



Sunday, July 18, 2010

Beauty is what lies within, it's in your mind, it's in your heart. Beauty is an opinion, not a fact, which I think is a really good thing to keep in mind always. They can do whatever they want to do as long as they put everything into it and they find their power within. 
-Hayden Panettiere-

Friday, July 16, 2010



Hope you had a wonderfully wonderful and awesome day! Hope you like your present! ;D Thank you for being there since prep and thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you bro. HAVE A GLEETASTIC BIRTHDAY! 

Sorry this is belated too, but yesterday it was my friend's birthday and I feel bad if I don't do a shout out.


Sorry I didn't do one of these earlier! Very grateful, lovelies :) (L)


HIYOLIE! :D I just wrote that to my friend on msn and I'm actually surprised she understood what I was implying. Holy crap. I just heard like a gunshot or something, holy moly, there goes another one. Maybe its fireworks or something. Anyways, sorry for not writing for quite a while. Hope my apology is accepted.

The first week of school is over and I didn't really have time. I had all this The Boy in Striped Pyjamas homework and other homework too, but I'm not complaining. It's not that bad, at least it lowers the risk of me getting a higher degree for my glasses. 8) Have you watched or read The Boy in Striped Pyjamas? It's so sad. I read it before the school started and I almost bawled me eyes out. I don't dare to watch it though because we're watching it at the end of the term.

Anyways, how have you been? Comment if you're bothered, (as per usual; you're not) Welps, see you later! Hope you enjoyed my forevermore boring post. BWOYE!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

1,2 skip a few 11:11pm :D

Halla! How has everyone been. I apologise for not writing the past two days. I went on blogspot, but I didn't feel like blogging. So I went to look at people's tumblrs, don't worry, I'm not betraying my fellow bl oggerinos anytime soon, switching to tumblr. I don't have the talent to put up beautiful photographs or those very inspiring, insightful quotes and messages. I've actually got a diary where I write and draw but I'd prefer to not have it on the webbynet. :P More of a wordy person, you should probably know that by now, looking at my essay long posts. See, I've ranted up to a paragraph already.

Soooooooo, wattup? Almost back to school. I'm dreading that moment. :( I have nothing to blog about now, see you later, bloggerators! ;P


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


ALLLLOOOO! :D How has everyone been these erm, days I haven't been blogging? Me? I've been terribly sorry for not blogging because I promised my notebook named Mesty that I would blog everyday. I apologise to anyone who actually reads this and that means Sharon. :) Thanks Ho!

What have I been doing these six non-blogging days? Lemme tell you all about it. :) On the 1st, I think I was watching soccer and cbbed blogging. Vedy vedy sorry. :( On the 2nd, I went to watch Eclipse. :D It was pretty good for those who haven't watched. The fighting scenes were like really coooolll. :L And then I slept over at my friend's house and I didn't wanna blog there 'cause it woudl seem kinda disrespectful if I went on the computer at my friend's house. I don't know why, it just kinda seems disrespectful. Heh, being brought up by Asians does that to ya. :) On the 3rd, I don't know what I did, probably more lazing around and more cbbedness. On the 4th, soccer or tennis maybe? Iono. :\ On the 5th, I was making my friend's birthday card and having a channel ten marathon. :) On the 6th, in other words; today. I went to my friend's birthday party and watched Karate Kid. For those who have not seen it, I hope you do. One of the best movies of all time. :P The karate scenes and stuff were really really really cool, dare I say, it was better that the Eclipse fighting scenes. CHYEAAHH! :D It was really cool, sad, sweet and awesome all at the same time. Well, there goes my reasons or excuses (whatever you may believe ;D) of why I have not been blogging. :D

I kinda typed a lot so Imma go do something else now. BWOYEE! :D


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mornin' Sunshine! (#)

Buon giorno bellas? Come va? No soccer yesterday :( Wasn't allowed to stay up late :( :(

Hey, so you know that dog coat thing I was telling you about yesterday. It looks so cool, it's like wooly inside but outside it's like leather (fake, of course. It's the reject shop). Tam looks so gangster, I really should take a picture but my camera is in my dad's car. I don't know what it's doing there. LOL

'There's nothing else I can say." HAHAHAHAH, quoting Lady Gaga songs. :L Welps, SEE YA LATER WONTONS. (your face: :S:S:S:S)


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Halla! Como estas this beautiful day? It's actually sunny today, YAY! Aye, did you peeps watch soccer yesterday? OHMYJESUSCHRISTOURLORDGODAMEN. I feel so sorry for the Japanese guy who missed the goal. He probably has nightmares now, he can only redeem himself in another four years. When it was the penalty thing, I swear I was shaking and I was just watching it, imagine what it would be like for them.

I'm shattered for Portugal too, I didn't watch the match 'cause dad made me sleep but mang, that's gotta hurt.

Less soccer talk yeah? Okay. I have nothing to blog about even though it just hit noon. Ohh, I got something now. Today I'm going to the Reject shop. Who wants to come, let us all get rejected. :L Nah, just kidding. I'm buying a jacket and kennel for Tam. :D You know, cause it cold at night and all. Yeah, I don't know why I found that blog worthy. :L



Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hola peeps! How are you these sunny  rainy, cold holidays? That's for people who live in my country, you know who you are. :L As for everyone else, how are you today? I don't know what the title is actually, I've just been yelling that aroudn the house for two days, I think it might be a song. :)

Yesterday was my first attempt at an allnighter (note: attempt) I stayed up to 4:18 am because everyone went to sleep on ebuddy. :( Then I forced myself to look at photos to stay up for another 18 minutes. I then cbbed and went to sleep. At least it's still an achievement, that's the latest I've stayed up actually. :)

It's only 1:35pm where I live and not much has happened yet besides walking my dog, Tam to IGA in the rain to buy bread. It was really fun. --

Alrities, Imma go now, not much to write about anyway. BWOYE!


Monday, June 28, 2010



Sunday, June 27, 2010


Whattup, brooo? :D How y'all doing? WORLD CUP FEVER ANYONE? I got it bad, dude. (so) <--- that's a soccer ball emoticon on MSN. :)

I got 19 minutes until soccer starts, which is whe it hits morning. I LOVE HOLIDAYS! :P My parents actually let me stay up when it's soccer and tennis, YAY! Well, Imma ramble for 18 minutes. Caution: Too much reading of Mary's blog may cause confusion and tiredness. In other words, heads up: stop now. :)

Soo, who's watching Eclipse? I don't think it looks all that great actually, but I watched the first two movies and read the books so might as well finish what I started. Watching it on Friday. :) I actually had to check the calendar to find that out. Holidays haven't even started yet and my dates are already muddled. LOLOL.

What's everyone's Winter holiday plans? Going to the snow, anyone? I went last year and it was so awesome. The snow was actually falling, I wish I took pictures but I left my camera with my friend's mum and then I couldn't find her...long story. :)  I think I'm gonna clean my room these holidays, as usual. To my surprise, it's actually not that messy. And yeah, I'm a proud girl. :) 10 minutes to go. :D

Anyone going to the aquarium, I hear there's a giant octopus or some really cool sea creature. I haven't been since I was three, my friend invited me to go but I have tutor on that day. It's so not cool, having tutor on the holidays. It's called holidays for a reason. That's the only type of education I'll be getting in these next two weeks, so I guess it's not all bad. Hey, I just realised I make a lot of typos in my blog. I'm sorry, I touch type and it's pretty fast, so I'm incredibly sorry. 7 minutes. :) Awww man, my dad just told me it started 10 minutes ago. Woops. I'll see you laters then, aye? Goodnight, chicos!

On last thought- Thank you for taking out time to read this. It means a lot. :D I love you, dude.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Heyo, what's the dillyo? Like the new look? Pretty cool aye? I'll let Blogspt take credit for making the templates and all but it's still looks cool, yeah? I like SUPER MAN IS OUR HERO'S look. :) Thanks to one asiany human. Anyways, I'm actually not supposed to be on here because I have to study for the Macrob test comin' up. D: Wish me luck cause I'm gonna need it, but don't wish SUPER HO luck, cause she will not need it at all. :) GOODLUCK TO ANY TO OTHER YEAR 8 DOING MACROB, MELBHIGH, NOSSAL HIGH AND OTHER SCHOLARSHIP THINGYS! :) You know what? Simply put, GOODLUCK WITH YOUR STUDIES Y'ALL! :D I dont' know how to study really, if anyone can give me tips, you're all welcome to comment. :) (pweety pwease!) You know that's how Tweety talks. I have this dressing gownand it says "I tawt i taw a putty tat" which translates to in non-bird talk as :I thought I saw a pussy cat. I actually never knew what it said until year 5 and I got it in year 3, I think, not sure. Man, I sure do ramble. Oh wells, here goes more. :)

On Friday is the Feast of the Saint my school is named after, not tellin' you who. The web can be risky, ya know? It's more like a carnival than anything religious based. This year the theme is Childhood Heroes. And I don't know what to dress up as. I've got a few and they are: Po (from teletubbies),Humphrey,Pooh Bear or Pikachu. Weird choices, even I must say, but meh.

It is time to bid adieu to thee now. :) Farewell, bloggerinos. :D


Friday, June 11, 2010

GLEE (8)

Allo, allo, allo! How is everyone these days? Queen's birthday long weekend will start in around an hour and a half. Woopee! Welps, I'm alright, not bad, not good; in between. Stressing out about a composition assignment for music. I have no ideas or tunes or anything musical in the space between my two ears besides reluctantly playing piano for half an hour everyday. We have to make a rock or pop song and it's due tuesday. We've got a few notes on the piano and no lyrics. I'mma ask God to hit me with something musical in the next three days. I wish I was like Rachel on Glee, thinking up ideas for music every second of her so goddamn musical life. Sorry, I'm stressed, no actually I'm not, I'm anxious. :/

Oh, and talkign about GLEE. LIKEOHMYGODI'MSOINLOVE (WITH GLEE) :D IT IS SO GOOD. LIKE, HOLYFREAKINGMOTHEROFSHIGGLENESS GOOD. But I don't wanna spoil it for you guys who read this and watch Glee, a very small number I'm assuming. Nevertheless,(<--writing an essay now?!) I will try and calm down. I will spend my time waiting ever so quietly (my ass, mary) for Vampire Diaries, watching Sonny With A Chance, Jonas L.A and Good Luck Charlie. :) Hey, don't blame my former Disney freak habits. :) Apparently Jonas L.A is vedy vedy good, according to Athena, my former Disney freak buddy.

Alriteys, time for Mary to stop rambling. I'll see you soon then! :)
xoxo, you know you love me. JUST KIDDING!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Heyo! What's the dillyo? Sorry I missed out on the World Milk Day thing but I was busy doing my science which is due tomorrow. So knock myself out now. ;D
HAPPY BELATED WORLD MILK DAY! Hope y'all drank caartonfuls of milkies. :) Then you'll grow taller, unlike me. :L Man, I can't be bothered blogging today. See you soon! BWOYE!


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mua Thu! :)

What's up, munchkins? How is your Sunday afternoon going? Oh by the way, title means autumn in Vietnamese. I seem to like languages aye? Listening to music and surrendering to the school website because it just won't load and listening to my parents argue about their dancing steps, yeah I know right. It's kinda funny in a way, but a little baby-ish, dontcha think? Soo, today I found out that Tuesday is World Milk Day from a Safeway (oh, I mean Woolworths --' ) catalogue.I'll do the whole HAPPY WORLD MILK DAY thing then. :L And on the 5th of June is World Environment Day. I think I will go around the school with a rubbish bag that day at lunch, just cause I'm so awesome, LOL. Mary is going to bid y'all farewell nows. BWOYE! Have a really nice Autumn Day! Enjoy it cause on Tuesday, winter hits where I live. :)


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ciao Bella!

That means "Hello Beautiful" in Italian. It sounds so cute aye? Anyways, movin' on, how was your day? Comment if you're bothered. (weally, weally hope you do :) Mine was alright. Tutor, Vietnamese School; the lot. I finally got at 10 for Viet school, I'm vedy happy about that. Yeah, I know a 10 ain't all that great to you nerds out there, *coughcough* Sharon, but ever since viet year 8, I have only got 8's and 9's, so finally got a 10. :D Saturday nights are the best though. Saturday night makes Friday night seem not all that great anymore, and if you read this blabber, then you'd know how wonderful I described Friday nights. :) Now, I should tell you why Saturday night is so great, aye? Well, my parents go dancing and my brother and I are all home alone and we can do whatever we want till they come home at around 12 - 1am. Oh yeaahh. ;D You're all invited! Just kidding. I'm like a statue, stuck staring right at you. (8) Naww, love that song, it's so sweet. *:)

Today is tell someone you love them day on Facebook. Should I? Shouldn't I?
I LOVE YOU ALL + including you, yeah you, no matter how much you think bad of yourself. Just remember that it doesn't matter how much you think you're ugly, fat or stupid. Those words are imaginary. You're beautiful and someone out there loves you just the way you are. :)


Friday, May 28, 2010


Yo! :D How are y'all today? FANTASTIC FRIDAY is finally here. The day when the five days of misery are over and you get 3 nights and 2 days to enjoy yourself. What a wonderful world. (8) But I must say, it does get a teensy weensy boring. Msn and Facebook get a bit boring after 4 hours straight or more. I'm not complaining though, it's better than homework or school. :)
bye bye!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Allo :)

Buenas tardes, senoritas and maybe a chico :D How are y'all doin'? Today is a lucky day for me, no homeworkies. :) Though the day didn't go so well. I was walking to school in the morning, and then all of a sudden this pain went up my leg and it just got worse and worse as the day went on, but I got home and tell my mum, and WALLAH! I can walk painlessly. :D Maybe it's the presence of mi mama. :P ♥ 6:12 now. Oohhoh, I just remembered, is Simpsons on now? Or has it been that long since I've watched television that now it's not even on at 6 no more. :( I feel like watching a movie. Oh! I just remembered, my brother downloaded Leap Year for me the other day. Imma go watch that. See you later! Soo, how did you day go? Comment if you're bothered. (mary's thoughts: You better be.) JUST KIDDING. ;D BWOYE!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Long time no - meh.

Well, hello to all. It is 10:01, to be precise and I am already feeling sleepy. Vedy vedy bored right now. A lot has gone past since the last time I bothered blogging. Camp, a crapload of assignments and I guess that's about it. Doesn't seem like a lot but trust me, its equals the value of something HUGEFRIGGENMUNGOUS. I seem to exaggerate, aye? My cousins are at my place and one's playign C.S and the other one's facemsneditphoto-ing. Imma hope that's a word. Not. Time for less boring stuff! Woopdedoo. Today my dad got me an ipod while I was getting || <--that close to dying. So Im happy :D Okies, "I'll see you soon then." Naww, have you guys watched Dear John? I haven't finished it because the version I watched stopped halfway through but so far, it seems very intriguing. Got a lot of good quotes and all too. If you've watched it, you know the part when John is reading that letter to his dad. Dang, ain't that sad. I almost cried. :'( Yeah, I'm sensitive, so shup. Anyways, Adios with the accent on the 'i' :D


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blogspot's lonely D:

I've noticed no one has been posting much these days, not even Sandy! (who updates every minute and occasionally a half). So I decided to post somethign about people not posting much. :D Heh.

Anzac Day
~Lest We Forget~

What are your long weekend plans?

Cya later toodliedoodlie! Your response: :|


Sunday, April 18, 2010


My brother said he will deprive me of electronic devices if my room is not clean by tomorrow. Won't see me around for a while. Call to check if I'm still alive. :D

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Time to hit the sheets, so bye now!
Everyone one of y'all have a good night rest and very sweetdreams! :D


p.s: don't let the bed bugs bite!

Movies I have watched in the last two days ☺

From top to bottom; A Cinderella Story, Valentine's Day, Hannah Montana and Whip It.
 Man, I love my Chick Flicks. ♥

What a gay topic. j.k

Konichiwa!! :D Come va? Toi khoe. ;)

I just read this awesome article, it's about "Gay is not a synonym for bad."

Here's a part that I personally like :D
"You can make a difference by not saying "gay" inappropriately. It can be hard to ask people to stop saying "gay" when something bothers them. However, it needn't be. A simple, polite, "Please do not say gay when you mean something is bad", is all it takes. Imaging if who you are was used as an insult." 

That's so gay. Suck it Ayden Fabien Ferdeline. :P
Actually I think he has a point, but it's become so overly used, I don't think one article can change that. Though I do feel sorry for the homosexual people though, they must feel embarrassed. Anyways, I'm off, tell me if you want to read the rest of the article and I'll send it to you. :)
Time to watch some Gossip Girl, baby. ;D


Thursday, April 8, 2010



School is back to destroy my life in FOURMOTHERFREAKINGDAYS.

updated papa.

Hey everyones! :D

I just realised my dad has a blog. Don't bother reading it though, it's all in Vietnamese. :S Ohohoh, he has facebook too. :D


Sunday, April 4, 2010



from left to right: Jasmine Tea Flavoured Kit Kat, Ginger Ale Flavoured Kit Kat, Green Tea Flavoured Kit Kat and Royal Milk Tea Flavoured Kit Kat.

And I was excited when the Cookies 'n' Cream one came out :D


Hope y'all get heaps of chocolate :L

Here's a prayer I found

A Prayer for Easter Morning

0 Lord Jesus Christ, who upon this day did conquer death and rise from the dead,
and who are alive for ever more, help us never to forget your Risen Presence forever with us.


By the way, I'm not Catholic, but I believe in God enough to pray. If that makes sense. :S

Friday, April 2, 2010




Hello everyone! Just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and that you have a nice holiday. Happy Easter; Happy the day Jesus rose! ☺ Anyways, I'll start to ramble now, so this is your 'heads up' to stop reading, but only if you want. =]

SATURDAY (ap) - My brother comes back from Japan! :D Yay!! I'm not lonely no more, I missed annoying him. 0:)

SUNDAY (Y) - FAAAACEEEBOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! WOOP WOOP!! I must resist the urge to shoot myself in the head before this day. :D

My holidays have been okay if you're asking, which you're probably not, but yeah.. :)
I watched Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang, sorry lemme rephrase that; Nanny McPhee and  the Bad Bang. Man, that movie was so freaking corny. It was exactly like the first one, I thought all her warts and crap disappeared in the first one, but no; she still has them and then they disappear again. Oh, and sorry to those who actually liked the movie, I have a feelign I'm making it sound much worse than it is. Maybe cause I missed the first 15 minutes, because SOMEONE came late. Read Chiara's blog. :D

On a happier note, I also went ice-skating and the new icehouse thingy that's in docklands. I spent like 10 minutes trying skate without holding on to the rail for dear life. But it wasn't as hard as I thought. :D I fell once. (H)  It was fun though, not mentioning the three blisters on each foot and now can hardly walk, but it's all good. :) I recommend you guys try it out sometime, it's awesome. (Ice-skating, not the blisters or the part I can hardly walk).

Right now, I have just finished watching Vampire Diaries Episode 16 :DDDDD And it was so VAMPAWESOME :/> (closest thing I can get to Antennae's signature face) Now, she's watching it 'cause it's finally loaded, and we're discussing  it together. Usually, it's about DAMONSALVATORE, I don't think that's surprising to the people who know her. Wells, I'll bid adieu to thee now. :D

BWOYE!! And Goodnight, Sweet dreams,  (S)


Sunday, March 14, 2010

iBuenos tardes!

!Buenos tardes, chicos! That means good afternoon in Spanish. :) So, how's the day going, y'all?

Just came back from piano, at my dad's office waiting for mummy to come back from the market. How exciting! :L Anyways, haven't had much to say this typical afternoon-morning-day. But I needa get home and nerd out for a hour, or two or maybe the rest of the day, and night. 8-) I've just read Natasha's awesome story 'Red Envelopes', that woman is so dayumm talented. Here's the link if you wanna read it.
Anywaaayys, I'm bored now, and I needa sort out me assignments and hw and thought this blank space would help me. =}

  • type up religion script + finish storyboard
  • complete 3/4 of short story planner sheet
  • start on body systems assignment
  • there's probably more, but i can't be stuffed listing 'em all no more.

Love, mary.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


goodnight blogspot and everyone reading this piece of dung. :L
Hope everyone sleeps well, and have sweet dreams, not like me, having dreams about killer octopuses. :D
Oh, before I forget.
Have a great day, awesome one!! :D


P.S: As you can see, I gave up giving up swearing for Lent. Sorry God.


Me: You disgrace the word disgrace.
My brother: Yeah, that's your motto.

Hate the crap of that kient. >.<


Hey y'all! How is everyone? I'm aiight, if you're asking.
Yes, that's my greeting.

First, I'd like to say that I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't been posting for a while, not that many of you read this, but to you, yes you, the person who's reading this, I love you. And thank you for reading this unworthy piece of crap.

I know it's been a while, but rememeber that crazy storm the other Saturday. It was big, aye? No, that's an understatement. It waas.... indescibable, unexplainable, it was HOLYMOTHEROFGODMUNGOUS. Yes, I like to exaggerate. ^^ Anyways, I was at Crown and the whole of the bottom floor flooded. We were playing Laser Tag peacefully, well not really, (but fake laser guns seem peaceful to a storm, doncha think?) anyways, and we run outside, and there's this river, yes I'm serious, river up to the first step of the doorway. And I'm like..HOLY SHIGLLEMINPIGGLE. So we go up to the highest floor, and wait for a million centuries for my friend's dad to get the car and then we get home in the car, having to put our feet on this plastic bags or else water will swish. And then I get sick, for two days. What an awesome awesome extremely shit long weekend I had.

Anyways, right now I'm eating noodlies, :P And I can't be stuffed typing anymore but I might find some pictures. I know, finally. :D

love, mary ;}

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I hate you, Lenten Sacrifice.

Hey guys, long time no see, aye? How's everyone? Sitting on my bed like a lazy ass bum with the laptop on my lap. :L Oh how I live for these moments. :D Well, I was supposed to go tutor but I had a birthday party to go to, but then my friend postponed it and when she called, tutor had already started. phew. :} I don't really like tutor, as you can see. I mean, who does? If it's you, Oh bless you, dear child. 

Anyways, on to my Lenten Sacrifice, to you who don't know what that is, it's when you give up something for 40 days like Jesus did. I'm not even Catholic. :S Well, I decided to give up Facebook and swearing, how stupid of me, aye? Since, I've temporarily left Facebook, eight people have joined, and they have been people, I've been persuading to join Facebook for ages. Yes Sandy, I'm talking about you. >.< And I give up swearing, someone makes a parody of tik tok, which is hardcore swearing. Sorry, I gtg now. Later, time to go viet school. :( 

Bye Bye!
mary nguyen :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Hiya! Just like to say :

It's weird how Chinese/Viet New Year always falls on some special day, last year it was Australia Day (my birthday, if you haven't noticed ^^), and this year it's Valentine's Day! ♥ I spent the day doing traditional asian buddhist stuff. Went to the two temples for some reason, one didn't seem to be enough for my parents but it was kinda fun anyway. Went around impersonating buddha statues (respectfully, of course) adn took pictures and ate bun bo hue. :P It was really really hard to try and not swear today, 'cause in Vietnam it's a tradition you don't do anything bad on the 3 days of new year or it's bad luck. I woudl put up some really funny photos but i can't find the cord to my camera. :( Tomorrow is school. T___T Hey, you asians out there, have you ever realised that 'banh tet' (a traditional rice cake kinda thing) has meat in it and you're supposed to go vegan on 'mung mot' (first day of new year)? I find that really weird. And I've been eating it since I knew what Asian New Year was. I kind of seem to ramble a lot, sorry. So bye now! :)

See you tomorrow, if homwork allows me to blog.

maary. :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Yes, that is what I am.  I said Sledbob :|, It's bobsled you ngu ass. Sorry for the silly mistake in my other post. And also, I said I would blog in the middle of the night, and it's only 10:02. I just couldn't wait :D


Have a great day! (L)

Just remembered. :S

Hello there! Sorry, haven't been blogging for a while, I just remembered when Sandy told me. I haven't really been on the computer since school started. Talking about school, first week of year eight is alright except for Ms. Purcell, how freaking slow does she have to read, for chrissakes. By the time she finishes  one sentence, every other person who can read properly with a proper pace would be finished the page. And she's the English, so I have to listen to that accent 4 out of 5 days. Kill me already. Oh, thank you Sandy for following my blog and telling me when I don't blog in a while :) I can't believe I still have to go tutor AND viet school next week on the Lunar New Year Weekend, it's called a freaking holiday. ooohh, I just remembered, time to read Night World! :) Book Three now :) Bring it on Witchlight :) Bye Bye! See you somewhere in the middle of the night :) Cool Runnings on in half an hour. Sledbobs + Jamaican Accents = Funniest movie on Earth! :D Bwoye!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Birthday bash.

Hey there munchkins :) Reminds me of Ms. Gillies. :)
Two days ago was my birthday, I ain't gonna tell you the age, 'cause never know what happens on the net. We went to the rock climbing place that I told you about in my last post, but turns out that your parents have to sign some form to give you permission to climb. What the heck is that. You have to ask your parents and get them to sign a form to let you climb a wall with rocks on it. Well, Van suggested we go rollerblading but we had been there so many times and Tim didn't know how to rollerblade and we had no other non-slightly boring place to go so rollerblading, there we go. Watching Tim trying to learn rollerblading and at the same time hating it with a passion was absolutley hilarious. Along with Jennifer and Nina falling every two seconds. It was fun though. Oh, and my mum sneaking spring rolls and soft drink into the centre, cause you weren't allowed to bring your own food and drink. After each person getting about two spring rolls each and a cuppa soda. We were told you were allowed to bring drinks and food but not hot. T___T  I also won one of the games, the one where you had to go to a corner and it had either ♥♠♣♦ and if the suit wasn't picked then you won. I won a free pass to go there again...until Jan ended, which was then, in 4 days. meh. I gotta hit the sheets and stop rambling, goodnight!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Blabber :)

I was watchign tennis yesterday, yes that epic match with Roddick and Gonzalez and my mum just had to bet Roddick and of course as usual, mum was right. It has happened every freaking match we've watched as a family. My dad and I are watching peacefully cheering on Gonzalez with happiness seeing as he won 2 sets already, and then mummy has to watch and be right. -- Well, a day to go  to my birthday. Meh. We're going to a rock climbing place In Altona North. I hope it's gonna be fun, I've always wanted to rock climb, but trust me, it took a long time to get to that descision. First, we were going Luna Park (but because of my over-protective mother we can't), then we were going to go to Kensington Pool (but it's really crap, my cousin said), then MSAC ( something came up that I have no permission to say) so now Cliffhanger Rock climbing centre or whatever. Anyways, Imma go and watch Federer kick Hewitt's butt, sorry if that offended anyone. BYEE BYEE!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Party Pooper. :)

240110- In two days, it's my birthday and I'm not even all that excited. Maybe because it's the fact that planning a party is such hard work. Meh, but I guess it's worth it :) It seems a BBQ isn't occuring on Aus Day, so much for tradition. >.< Other than that, I don't know what to blog about. Oh, I just remembered another precious week to go by till school comes back to destroy my life. Sorry for the exaggeration. I sorta miss school in a way. Yeah I say that now. But when school comes back, I'd rather kick school to China or dig my way to Vietnam to get away from school. Aww, I'm gonna miss sitting around spending quality time with my good friends; Msn, Facebook, Itunes and Blogspot. And being able to stay up as late as possible and getting up just the same. :) Well, I'm bored now, Imma go and read Fanfiction :) see ya later, bloggernator :) 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

200110- Sorry for the mistake in my other post, I meant Prince William. Thank you for the correction Saandy :) Now, bye bye. :D Time to read Nigh World :P :)> GO VAMPIRES :L

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

helooooo :)

100119 - Helloo there! I got a little bored of my other blog so I thought I would start a new one :) It didn't really last all that long though. Sorry, 'new beginnings'. Watched a whole lot of tennis today, it was so bloody scary when Federer almost died by that Andreev dude. He was really good though, every single shot was like a hot shot thingamajig. And then before that I watched Verdasco and Ball, the Aussie dude :) Shit, the Ball guy was so bloody lanky and tall, almost killed Verdasco but he was really unexperienced so then Verdasco won. And then I could talk a whole lot more about tennis, but I would bore you. Today, Prince Harry came to Oz, I don't really think he got the whole royal welcome thing, unless you mean 20 odd people from no where. Well, I can't be stuffed blogging anymore. Bye Bye!
mary =]