Saturday, August 21, 2010

Please say hello to my friend, goes by the name "40 Hour Famine" about ye tall.

So, my sweet sweet sweeties. How have you been? I'm sorry for not writing often, I think I'm gonna stop saying that I'm gonna write because most likely  I'll probably jinx myself. So, I'm not going to write very often (You bet I will). How are y'all going with the 40 Hour Famine, if you're doing it. I'm in the process of giving up furniture which means I sleep on the floor, and right now I'm on a bean bag with the laptop in my lap. Good times, good times. :) I feeel so sorry for those people who go without the basic essentials of life almost everyday. I wiple could actually not cbf and think about this time where we step into someone's shoes, even though halfway, it's still better that nothing at all. So c'mon, give it a try! Even though it's already started, since Friday actually, but I started today. Better late than never, aye? Go to the site if you wanna find out more information. You can do it. We can do it. Together we unite.

Okay, I think I went all 'the-girl-who-likes-unicorns-on-mean-girls on you. Sorry about that. Welps, moving on. Have you heard about the Melbourne High, Macrob, Nossal High and Suzanne Cory test? I'd just like to take congratulate everyone who got on especially the lovely, beloved people from my school. Linda, Helen, Vicky, Nancy, Jessica, Nhan My and last but hell no the least, my beautiful, studious, helpful, sarcastic, vandalising  friend. Let's give it up for SHARONN! I'm gonna miss her so much. :'(  And if you were wondering if this is the the Sharon that follows my blog faithfully, then I can happily answer yes. ILOVEYOU(L). Oh dear, I must go and SHOWER POWER! HAHHAHA, see you later, yes? :D



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Super Ho says:
    NAWW MARY ! lol I only saw this now! Thanks for the most wonderful praising. Love how you descried me as a '...sarcastic, vandalising friend.' Lovely.
    Love you too, Mary <3
