Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pulling me socks up

Good evening to you there. Yes you. Your bored little bugger. :D Only 51 minutes until morning! weeeee! I know, I'm surprised too; two days in a row?! SAY WHAT? You're wondering about the title aren't you, I can see you, pondering away thinking "What's gotten into Mary this time?" or if you're Ellen then it'll probably go along the lines of "You're whack, why do I even bother to read this?"
I'd like to announce to the world that my homework ethic is finally back. It's taken around 4 or 5 weeks but it's finally here. This little brain of mine has finally realised that it's not holidays anymore and I need to "pull my socks up" if I want to even pass this year. I actually did my maths homework! (CUE THE GASPS OF THE AUDIENCE)

Oh, you guys remember the book I blogged about last time right "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer, well I got Ellen to read and I'm so glad she finished it today and liked it. Though she didn't cry and bawl and scream and howl at the end like I did, at least she liked it. Today I borrowed the two sequels "The Lost Boy" and "A Man Called Dave" and I'm going to take them to the six hour long bus ride to where we're staying for Frayne along with my "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" wooo!

Masterchef has ended and I forgot to watch Big Brother today and no youtube videos of the people I subscribe to on youtube have been posted so I actually don't have anything to rant about. Oh right, I'm going to have to perform a monologue about a psycho who strangles his date after scaring her and I did a practice bit of it today so my drama class could help me out and I found out all my Mary-isms which are Mary mannerisms. I didn't even know they were so obvious because our mannerisms just come so naturally. And so I walked around school today just looking at everyone's mannerisms which was kind of cool. There's the hair flicking, thumb twidding, lip biting, feet tapping, feet dangling, finger scratching and it was just really exciting to watch. God, maybe I'm getting too into this psycho character. I feel sort of stalkerish now...welp.

With that lovely note, I will leave you. SAYONARA BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! :D


1 comment:

  1. For a moment I was like "What a daggy title. Even worse then mine...*continues reading*...yeah I agree, why am I reading this.
    Love you Mary!
