Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Why hello there deary pies! How are you all doing today? It's absolutely freezing where I live right now, I'm rugged up in about four jackets and two of them aren't mine. Today was actually quite a nice day though, the sun was out and the clouds were really nice and :)

Sooo, yesterday I went on a Experience day at the local children's hospital organised by a certain university to see if I consider doing laboratory medicine in the future. Yeah, um no. It was fun to see all the labs and it looked really cool but I think I'm just the kind of person who couldn't sit in an office all day. The labs were freaking fantastic though. We got to see the haematology lab which was cool as hell because there was this tube airway pathway like that tube thing in Futurama and they transport specimens using that pathway. There's three different pathways and there's one special one reserved for the blood bank and the machine can detect whether the airways are clear and then automatically just launch it. We also got to visit the bacteriology lab and we got to look and different agar plates and we got to see some E-coli and some other stuff I can't remember but Tash probably will. We also got to look at the actual place where they store the blood and I had the urge to touch it but Tash said that it was weird. Umm :/ We also got to see how they detect a blood group by looking at clumping patterns with different antigens which looked really fun to do. :) We also go to have a look at this machine that could do about 25 different tests on someone's blood in 5 minutes. The machine can tell whether you've eaten 'fatty' foods or not or umm, other stuff I sort of zoned out on while the lady was explaining.

The cooolest and a little bit disturbing part of the entire thing was the anatomical research lab. Basically, when we walked in there were 5 different anatomical specimens lined up on the table. There was a brain with a tumour in it, it felt squishy and not as firm as I thought it would be. It was a yellow-greenish colour and didn't smell too good. The second one was a liver, also with a tumour, and it just looked weird. It was sliced up so you could see the inside and it was the same colour of chicken liver so basically what you would imagine a liver looked like. The third one was probably the creepiest, it was a 2kg ovarian cyst from a 15 year old girl who thank the Lord and the doctors that girl is breathing, it was extremely disturbing to touch it but I did it anyway. You could see the fallopian tubes and the entire thing was dyed blue to help when looking at the specimen from a microscopical view so it just looked really gruesome. The fourth specimen was a kidney, either with a tumour or extremely damaged, but either way, pretty normal looking kidney. The fifth one was a humungous heart from a 10 year old's body. He got a heart transplant because his heart was too big and had to work too hard to pump the blood around his body, and as the heart is a muscle, it also got bigger. The heart looked really strange, somehow it looked like it had been carved out of a tree or something. Pretty scary stuff.

After all this happened, my friend Hong came for a sleepover! :) We basically spent the night watching Running Man the Korean variety show. I thought it'd just be like an Amazing Race but it's actually a little bit different, it's super super super funny and the games and simply stupid making everything hilarious. It's seriously such a good show! There's 101 episodes so I'm really behind, I'm only on episode 13 and my brother is on episode 20 because he did an all-nighter today. He just slept the sun away, IDIOT. After staying up to about 2am, we went to sleep and woke up and around 11. We then proceeded to walk my wonderful dog, Tam. He was doing such a great job and giving us awesome exercise until he decided to escape from his leash and run away. Thank bejeebus he knew the way home because he was heading straight there (I swear he's got some good sniffing skills) and when I was finally able to catch up to him. He was patiently sitting at the doorstep. Well. At least I know he'll always come home. :) I let him in and ya know, didn't give him a treat like he would usually get because he ran away. We then decided to wash Tam. YAY! :) He was actually quite calm so good for us. After a generous lathering of Head and Shoulders Anti-Dandruff Scalp Shampoo he sunbaked it the sun and got attacked by the hair dryer.

Getting super bored with the lack of entertainment facilities at my humble abode, we made Banana fritters. OH MY HOLY SWEET LORD, THESE THINGS WERE BLOODY GLORIOUS. Okay, I'll show you how to make them in the next post. Halfway through making them, we realised we needed some ice-cream to go with this so I went to IGA and got some and bumped in to Tash! I know, what a coincidence! Bloody telepathic brainwaves or something we got here. I got me ice-cream, went home and enjoyed the beauty that is a banana fritter soaked in vanilla ice-cream. After that, we watched the Big Bang Theory and watched tv and read fanfiction until she went home. Okay! That is basically my day.

I have a birthday party to attend tomorrow! Woo! I'm a little bit excited, apparently there's supposed to be some fuss over what I'm supposed to wear because the dress code is semi-formal/neat casual. Umm, sorry, but what in the universe is that supposed to mean? I think I'm just going to look outside the window tomorrow morning and ponder the possible weather events that could happen and decide from their with other influencing factors being my mood and my health. Alright, time to go and shower power. So I will see you all very soon I hope! :)



1 comment:

    Okay I did, but I wanted to touch it as well. Did you notice it had a weird smell?
    "LOL Tash will remember" not really.
