It's been 2 minutes and I already had to blog again. See how much you lovely people mean to me? So big announcement today, VERY VERY BIG, I warn you it may come as a surprise to you all that.............I WAGGED SCHOOL TODAY. YUP. ME, MARY, GOODY-TWO SHOES MARY WAGGED SCHOOL TODAY.
None of you believed that for a second did you? Well, yeah, you're right. I didn't wag today I was given permission to leave until my exam in periods 5 and 6. :D So I went to the city with Cindy to get her a new jacket which was kinda fun. Got some exercise too. :) But then I stuffed up that benefit when we went to eat KFC. Welp. I then met Michelle and Kimbo at the Children's hospital since it's all new and pretty and stuff. :) I really wanted to see the meerkats and the sharks and all that wonderful stuff but we didn't have enough time after eating. What I did do was write on a stick though.
Okay, yup, writing on a stick, pretty average thing to do, ya know? Well, the hospital was having a tribute for an endangered native bird which represents the indigenous community. What they did was construct this nest like shape structure out of sticks that the people could write messages for to support this cause. So the bird's name was Bunjil and because my friends were rushing me, the first thing I could think of was "Save Bunjil, Save the Indigenous (smiley face) (heart)" I KNOW, HOW ORIGINAL. Man, I should've taken a photo of it because the next was really pretty. :D
I also met this little girl when I was eating in the food court and she was sooo adorableeeeeeee! I said hi to her and waved, and then she said hi back and when she waved, only half her fingers were above the table. And then I asked her if her food was good with a thumbs up (because I'm amazing at sign language) and she nodded and smiled at me. Her mum/sister was really nice too! :D Those people made my day. :3
Then even more exciting things happened! While we were walking back to school, we saw a bat hanging from the powerlines and I took a couple of photos which I'll post up later from me phone. Okay, so I think I had a pretty nice day today! :D And tune in tomorrow for more boring, useless things it is mandatory for you to know about Mary.
Bye! Love you all so very much! Look forward to really really badly taken photographs of a bat soon. :D
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