Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 02 + Day 03

Heyo, what's the dillyo, yo. HAHAHHAHA. HOLY MOLIO! I'm so high right now. I came back from a sleepover at my friend's place and realised my brother had downloaded the music of You're Beautiful (a Korean drama - I recommend you watch it now) Anyways, I couldn't use the computer at my friend's place to blog so that's why I'm combining Day 02 and day 03 togezzer.

DAY 02 - Where I'd like to be in 10 years.
Hmmm, that's a hard one. I guess I'd like to be in University doing some sort of degree. I don't really wanna move out that age 'cause I'm a Daddy's/Mummy's girl. :) I'd like to still have most of the friends I have now if I could. :P Jeebus, I sound like I'm writing down a wish list or something. I might as well write " Dear Genie/Fairy/Witch/Wizard/Warlock" at the start of this. You know what? I'd just like to be myself and living life enjoyably.

DAY 03 - Your view on drugs and alcohol.
I won't touch any of it. Not a sip, not a taste, not even a whiff. I think they are extremely pointless. Besides the medicinal drugs and all. I don't ever want to be involved in anything like drugs or alcohol regardless of peer pressure, trends or whats 'in'. I'd rather be healthy than be 'in'.

I guess this farewell.




  1. Oh shat...I succumbed to peer pressure with the alcohol, lol! Honestly, alcohol taste like crap. Sugar gives me a better high :D

  2. LOLOLOLOL! Agreed, sugar is awesome! :D
