WADUPP!! :) How are you guys going? Hope you're all well! Nothing exciting today. So far, I've spent the day watching Letters & Numbers, sewing an almost complete pencil case, eating and watching the good ol' tennis. :D Soo, day 09. Ta da!
DAY 09 - How you hope your future will be like.
Well, this is a little bit like the other topic; Where I'd like tobe in 10 years. I guess it's kinda the same, optimistic and myself. Though, I would like one thing, maybe for everyone to be more conscious of the natural resources we have and that they are not unlimited. I hope my future will still include many of the people in my life today. :) Anyways, I've got to go now. I'll see you soon!
AFSCHEID! ('Goodbye in Dutch!) :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
No recipe, but a very proud Mary :) (get it)?
I'm sorry, somethign happened and this picture can't seem to appear rotated on blogger. :( Anyways, they look good, yeah? :P
Last post for the day! Promise!
zii recipe!! :)
Anyways, I'm going to teach you how to make this wonderful drink.
-Aroy-D Nata de Coco ( I'll show you a picture later)
-Canned Jackfruit
-Canned Lychees
-Canned Green Jelly
-Ice cubes
- Knife
-Chopping board
-Tea towel
-Any pretty cup ya want :P
- Large Mixing Bowl
-can opener
- Open the canned green jelly and use a knife to cut it while it's still in the can. Pour it in the bowl, including the liquid. :)
- Open the canned lychee and pour all of that in the bowl (syrup included).
- Open the canned jackfruit and cut them in to pieces (any kind of pieces) with a knife. Pour the chopped jackfruit(syrup included) into the bowl.
- Lastly, put in 3/4 of the Nata De Coco jar. I'll show you a picture later.
- Get a spoon and mix everything!
- Serve it in a pretty cup with ice cubes and any other decorations you might like to add! :)
Hope you found that as entertaining as I found writing it up! :)
Day 07 and day 08
Hey guys! I'm sorry I missed out on day 07, wasn't feeling too good after my mum made my family scrub the bathroom. To make up for it I'm gonna teach you how to make a super yummy fruit jelly dessert! :)
DAY 07- Your zodiac sign and if you think it suits you.
Well, I'm an Aquariuswhich I think is known as the water carrier. Apparently, this is what http://www.astrology-online.com/aquarius.htm said. Go check it out for your starsign if ya like. ;P The ones in green are the good things and the ones in red are the 'evil' traits.
Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual
Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached
I'm not actually sure if Aquarius suits me. I guess I'm pretty friendly, right? I have to disagree on the emotional bit though. I cry when I exercise (that's deep) and I sob like a baby when I watch sad movies. I'm not sure, maybe I'll do a survey on it one day. :)
day 08 - A time you felt the most satisfied with your life
Oh dear, this is going to be embarrassing. A time I felt the most satisfied with my life was when I learnt how to swallow tablets. When was this? Half way through year seven. I know, I'm awesome. (I wish).
Just kidding! :P When I was younger, my dad used to take our family on trips every Sunday. This was back when we didn't have homework, though my dad did make us write about our trips. He threatened us and said that if we didn't write a detailed, thoughtful recount about out last trip, we were not allowed to go on the next one. I actually find that a really good strategy to get kids into writing. I love writing which is why I blog. :P Maybe that's where I got it from. :D Anyways, sorry about that rambling, haven't done some in a while so I kinda miss rambling. ANYWHO, we went to so many places and each time I went tot another place it was like entering into another world or something. I felt like I was completing my 'things to do before I die list' and it was always really fun and entertatining, even when we went to museums (the Jewish Museum near Luna Park was mad!) and all the educational places that I thought would be boring. Awwww, I miss that. Right now, my dad is in Vietnam so my brother and I are stuck at home trying to make our own fun. So far, that basically means cooking, staring at various screens, eating, exercsing (occasionally), sleeping in and cleaning. LOLOLOL. Man, I miss rambling. :P
Anyways, it's my birthday soon. I have a correction, you know for my interesting facts thing, yeah, I can't do Math. Back then it was supposed to be 18 days, not 16 days. NOW, it is 16 days till my birthday! :) and I have no idea how to celebrate it. I found this paintball place and I was so like OMG, SO AWESOME!! And then I found out there was a certain age. :( So yeah, now I need party venues. I like doing somethign different every year cause if it's just movies, shopping, lunch. I sometimes find the repetitive. I found a few places so I'm going to go check them out! I'll see you crazy spectacular bloggerinos tomorrow!
MWAH! XOXO. <--- HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to insult anyone who does that I'd just rather a more originaly way of saying farewell.
Good bye. jk.
SELAMAT TINGGAL!! That's Indonesian. I'm hoping that's right. :)
DAY 07- Your zodiac sign and if you think it suits you.
Well, I'm an Aquariuswhich I think is known as the water carrier. Apparently, this is what http://www.astrology-online.com/aquarius.htm said. Go check it out for your starsign if ya like. ;P The ones in green are the good things and the ones in red are the 'evil' traits.
Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual
Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached
I'm not actually sure if Aquarius suits me. I guess I'm pretty friendly, right? I have to disagree on the emotional bit though. I cry when I exercise (that's deep) and I sob like a baby when I watch sad movies. I'm not sure, maybe I'll do a survey on it one day. :)
day 08 - A time you felt the most satisfied with your life
Oh dear, this is going to be embarrassing. A time I felt the most satisfied with my life was when I learnt how to swallow tablets. When was this? Half way through year seven. I know, I'm awesome. (I wish).
Just kidding! :P When I was younger, my dad used to take our family on trips every Sunday. This was back when we didn't have homework, though my dad did make us write about our trips. He threatened us and said that if we didn't write a detailed, thoughtful recount about out last trip, we were not allowed to go on the next one. I actually find that a really good strategy to get kids into writing. I love writing which is why I blog. :P Maybe that's where I got it from. :D Anyways, sorry about that rambling, haven't done some in a while so I kinda miss rambling. ANYWHO, we went to so many places and each time I went tot another place it was like entering into another world or something. I felt like I was completing my 'things to do before I die list' and it was always really fun and entertatining, even when we went to museums (the Jewish Museum near Luna Park was mad!) and all the educational places that I thought would be boring. Awwww, I miss that. Right now, my dad is in Vietnam so my brother and I are stuck at home trying to make our own fun. So far, that basically means cooking, staring at various screens, eating, exercsing (occasionally), sleeping in and cleaning. LOLOLOL. Man, I miss rambling. :P
Anyways, it's my birthday soon. I have a correction, you know for my interesting facts thing, yeah, I can't do Math. Back then it was supposed to be 18 days, not 16 days. NOW, it is 16 days till my birthday! :) and I have no idea how to celebrate it. I found this paintball place and I was so like OMG, SO AWESOME!! And then I found out there was a certain age. :( So yeah, now I need party venues. I like doing somethign different every year cause if it's just movies, shopping, lunch. I sometimes find the repetitive. I found a few places so I'm going to go check them out! I'll see you crazy spectacular bloggerinos tomorrow!
MWAH! XOXO. <--- HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to insult anyone who does that I'd just rather a more originaly way of saying farewell.
Good bye. jk.
SELAMAT TINGGAL!! That's Indonesian. I'm hoping that's right. :)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Sorry I forgot to do this sooner. I'd just like to say thank you to Yileen for following me. Your comments make me really happy because it shows that someone actually reads this. :) I also love all your amazing photography and art. :)
see Yileen's awesome blog at http://deliriousjellybean.blogspot.com/
see Yileen's awesome blog at http://deliriousjellybean.blogspot.com/
apologies for fay 05 and day 06 :)
Ciao bloggerinos!!Como estas? Sorry, for not continuing the topic of day 05 because I was watching Megamind and Scott PilgrimVs The World with my brother and fell asleep half way through Scott Pilgrim. And my sunburn is getting better :) Here it goes.
DAY 06 - 30 interesting facts about you.
DAY 06 - 30 interesting facts about you.
- I don't hate Justin Bieber, nor do I like him. He is aiight. :)
- I have really curly hair. (This is weird because I'm Asian and 95% of Asians have straight hair).
- My secret indulgence is Disney tween shows. I'm talking about Sonny with a Chance, Good Luck Charlie, Wizards of Waverly Place etc.
- My middle name is Diem, with a ^ and a ~ on top of the e.
- I find entertainment in reading FML, GMH, LGMH, KGMH, TOA, SBS. (go on http://www.fmylife.com/ and you'll find everything there.
- I have swallowed sticky tape.
- My whole family has glasses.
- My table becomes my second wardrobeevery 3 weeks.
- I am extraordinarily indecisive.
- My birthday is in 18 days.
- I like bright shoes.
- I don't follow trends.
- My handwriting depends on my mood.
- For some reason, I always seem to be wearing black or white.
- I can't take worthy-of-being-displayed photos.
- I like words better that photos. That's the reason I don't have tumblr and most of my blog is text.
- I really like the beach.
- I love kids even if they don't like me.
- I find languages amazing.
- I fascinate over words like: extraordinary, apart and a part. (I'll send you food if you get why :)
- I don't understand why people type like this; with their fullstop a space away from their sentence .
- I use overuse smileys.
- I try to use bigger words when I am blogging if you haven't noticed.
- I suck at sport even though I really like it.
- I seen to suck at everything I like.
- I like school. 8) I know that makes me sound geeky but oh well.
- I'm really sensitive when it comes to movies.
- I love cartoon movies, tv shows, videos.
- I think the new Hi-5 group stink.
- I don't hate anyone. :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
DAY 05 and sunburnt.
HALLO ZERE! Come va? I'm okay besides the fact that I am terribly sunburnt from and it stings ALOT. I can't complain though so yah. Here is day 05's topic.
DAY 05- a time I thought about ending my own life.
Actually, that's never happened. Sometimes I've wanted the floor to swallow me up out of embarrassment but I've never gotten to the extent of considering ending my life. I wish I could relate to these topics better but yeah. I've never really been the depressed kind. Okay, my brother is reallt ticking me off right now and wants to read my blog while I am typing this post so I'm going to comtinue this in bed. Alriteys.
DAY 05- a time I thought about ending my own life.
Actually, that's never happened. Sometimes I've wanted the floor to swallow me up out of embarrassment but I've never gotten to the extent of considering ending my life. I wish I could relate to these topics better but yeah. I've never really been the depressed kind. Okay, my brother is reallt ticking me off right now and wants to read my blog while I am typing this post so I'm going to comtinue this in bed. Alriteys.
Funfields and day 04! ;D
Hi there! I just got back from my mum's friend's house after coming back from an awesome day trip to funfields. I know that it is technically day 5 but I haven't slept yet so to me it is still day 4. After my views on religion, I will tell you more about funfields. :)
DAY 05- your views on religion.
I find religion amazing. I think that everyone needs something to believe in that you can't see or touch because believing is basically being sure without proof when it comes to religion. I don't have anything against any type of religiong becUse the most important part is that they all teach the same thing; morality - knowing right and wrong. I am Buddhist but I respect and am fascinated by all the other religions also. Alritey
, there's me supposed inspirational speech.
Hey, I'm kind of tired because I've been doing heaps of exercise these past few days so yeahh. I promise to blog abou funfields tomorrow.
Arivederci! ( I don't think I spelt it right)
P. S: I'm on my iPod so I apologise for any of the spelling mistakes.
DAY 05- your views on religion.
I find religion amazing. I think that everyone needs something to believe in that you can't see or touch because believing is basically being sure without proof when it comes to religion. I don't have anything against any type of religiong becUse the most important part is that they all teach the same thing; morality - knowing right and wrong. I am Buddhist but I respect and am fascinated by all the other religions also. Alritey
, there's me supposed inspirational speech.
Hey, I'm kind of tired because I've been doing heaps of exercise these past few days so yeahh. I promise to blog abou funfields tomorrow.
Arivederci! ( I don't think I spelt it right)
P. S: I'm on my iPod so I apologise for any of the spelling mistakes.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 02 + Day 03
Heyo, what's the dillyo, yo. HAHAHHAHA. HOLY MOLIO! I'm so high right now. I came back from a sleepover at my friend's place and realised my brother had downloaded the music of You're Beautiful (a Korean drama - I recommend you watch it now) Anyways, I couldn't use the computer at my friend's place to blog so that's why I'm combining Day 02 and day 03 togezzer.
DAY 02 - Where I'd like to be in 10 years.
Hmmm, that's a hard one. I guess I'd like to be in University doing some sort of degree. I don't really wanna move out that age 'cause I'm a Daddy's/Mummy's girl. :) I'd like to still have most of the friends I have now if I could. :P Jeebus, I sound like I'm writing down a wish list or something. I might as well write " Dear Genie/Fairy/Witch/Wizard/Warlock" at the start of this. You know what? I'd just like to be myself and living life enjoyably.
DAY 03 - Your view on drugs and alcohol.
I won't touch any of it. Not a sip, not a taste, not even a whiff. I think they are extremely pointless. Besides the medicinal drugs and all. I don't ever want to be involved in anything like drugs or alcohol regardless of peer pressure, trends or whats 'in'. I'd rather be healthy than be 'in'.
I guess this farewell.
DAY 02 - Where I'd like to be in 10 years.
Hmmm, that's a hard one. I guess I'd like to be in University doing some sort of degree. I don't really wanna move out that age 'cause I'm a Daddy's/Mummy's girl. :) I'd like to still have most of the friends I have now if I could. :P Jeebus, I sound like I'm writing down a wish list or something. I might as well write " Dear Genie/Fairy/Witch/Wizard/Warlock" at the start of this. You know what? I'd just like to be myself and living life enjoyably.
DAY 03 - Your view on drugs and alcohol.
I won't touch any of it. Not a sip, not a taste, not even a whiff. I think they are extremely pointless. Besides the medicinal drugs and all. I don't ever want to be involved in anything like drugs or alcohol regardless of peer pressure, trends or whats 'in'. I'd rather be healthy than be 'in'.
I guess this farewell.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 01 - Discuss how single life is. :)
Single life is great! Actually, I'm not sure because I've never been anything but single. So yahh. I'm not allowed to have a 'person I'm in a commited relationship with (besides my family and friends and my dog :)" until a certain age, nor do I want one. I still have complete and utter respect for those who are in a relationship or who want to be. I find it really sweet seeing old married couples in the street and the same for young love. Anyways, I just did some very vigorous exercise and I needa shower so see you tomorrow for the topic of day 02. :D
TE AMO! :p
TE AMO! :p
30 day tumblr (now blogspot) challenge :)
I’ll actually finish this one, i swear. i’m going to dedicate myself to this LOL.
2 weeks ago via: teaandkittens-deactivated201011
I found this on my friend's tumblr. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned you guys, but I think I have found an inspiration for blogging everyday. I'll change what I have to as to make it suitable for blogger.com so yah.
If you're wondering about the side note, I think there's some reference thing in tumblr where you reblog stuff and have to put the names of the blogs and stuff but I'm not sure. So here it goes so I don't get comments about copyright or sole credit and all. :)
References: the people who created and reblogged this on tumblr. :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
HALLA! I know what you're gonna say [Mary is crappy promise maker and doesn't keep them]. This time I actually have an reasonable explanation. On New Years Eve, I went to Natasha's house and slept over, not really slept, more like all-nightered there. It was really fun, all her family came and we watched the extraordainary fireworks from her window. :) That explains missing blog post number one. I went back to my house at 2pm to be able to make it to my mum's friend's house at around 3. We stayed there till midnight. Explanation of missing blog post number two complete.
There I met the sweetest and nicest brothers ever; Kenny and Tommy. My brother and I were shooting hoops and they came to play with us. Not even once did they fight over anything or took each other's turns. They didn't even call each other bad names. I was like ^^ the whole time. Tommy taught me this nursery rhyme about Jackie Chan that I hope doesn't offend anyone. I quite liked the creativity though.
My name is Jackie Chan,
I live in Japan,
I thought I kissed a girl,
but I kissed a black man.
There was more than that but I kinda got lost with what he was saying because he was laughing so much. Then he made a rhyme for me: My name is Mary. And I live in a cherry. I thought that was quite cute. :)
Anyways, I hope you celebrated your New Years in a very enjoyable way! LOLCAKESIES. :D
There I met the sweetest and nicest brothers ever; Kenny and Tommy. My brother and I were shooting hoops and they came to play with us. Not even once did they fight over anything or took each other's turns. They didn't even call each other bad names. I was like ^^ the whole time. Tommy taught me this nursery rhyme about Jackie Chan that I hope doesn't offend anyone. I quite liked the creativity though.
My name is Jackie Chan,
I live in Japan,
I thought I kissed a girl,
but I kissed a black man.
There was more than that but I kinda got lost with what he was saying because he was laughing so much. Then he made a rhyme for me: My name is Mary. And I live in a cherry. I thought that was quite cute. :)
Anyways, I hope you celebrated your New Years in a very enjoyable way! LOLCAKESIES. :D
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